Friday, July 1, 2011

Now it's time to go...

I've tried, I really have...but living here alone has been just too difficult, combined with the difficulties faced on the job.  I describe project management as "paper airplane management", meaning everything goes 'round and 'round and finally makes a soft, indeterminate landing with little impact or effect.  This is not the kind of work I want to do, nor in an environment I want to do it.  Really?  Agricultural trade?  Onion, poultry, livestock and cereals?! 

It will cost me quite a lot of money to send myself home -- wherever "home" is going to be -- but it's worth it to me.  I've always felt that mental health relies upon making big decisions when your gut tells you you're right, and then the means for making those decisions will come.  And they always do.

Keaton, I loved having you here with your dad for a week in June.  I know there were some difficult times, but that's really because both your dad and I got stuck in an unfamiliar place, without Grandpa, and you got caught in the middle of all those emotions and dynamics.  However, you did GREAT, as I told you -- wow!  Your first trip abroad at 14, and to Africa of all places!  I hope you learned and experienced and that your memories will last for a long time.  I loved that when someone asked you, "Is this your first trip to Africa," you responsed, "Yes, but she's been preparing me all my life."  And I loved receiving this e-mail from you:
hello grammy! I am emailing you about the greatest trip a 14 year old kid or for that matter ANYONE! it was the greatest thing in the entire world. the was a week i will never forget. it was sooo amazing. meeting all the people that i did (sam,phillip,all your work friends, mica, loe, the owners of Ko-Sa beach resort, the women that worked in Colors of Africa, and the random teenagers at elmina and cape coast castles) it was an expirence that when i look back on it i miss it ALL. the heat here feels just like africa and i miss africa sooooooooooo mucchhh i wanna hug ghana and its people they are just so nice. as i am trying to write this email my mind is just blowing with all these different ways to make this email and say how much i love africa.
i cant thank you enough for this trip fighting aside. the trip was the best best best i miss everyday of it
thank you sooooooooo much grammy
                                                                                                          love keaton
P.s the picutres will be emailed soon

Love, Grammy

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